Pear of Anguish - anal pear

The Pear of Anguish - Turn-to-Open Anal / Vaginal Plug

Labia Spreader Straps from

Labia Spreader Straps (2-in-1)

Pussy Clamp

98% of 100

Put her pussy on leash while giving her vagina some exciting pressure and stretch - all at once!
Use  this pussy clamp for securing her pussy lips - it has rope ring for bondage options.

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Pussy clamp for pussy lips. The latest version we offer now has a rope ring to attach leash or rope for more fun.

Hint: if you remove (screw off) the ball at the end of the rods, it could be opened wider. Easier to put it on. The balls are for decoration and comfort: does not let the screw rods to scrach your thighs.

More Information
ColorPolished Metal
SizeCheck description!
PiercingNot Needed
Hints & InstructionsIf you remove (screw off) the ball at the end of the rods, it could be opened larger. Easier to put it on. The balls are for decoration and comfort: does not let the screw rods to scrach your thighs.
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